Legal notice
Service provider
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Dr.-Eberle-Platz 1
D-01662 Meißen
Telephone: +49 (0)3521 72806-0
Fax: +49 (0)3521 72806-410
Entered in the Commercial Register under:
Amtsgericht Dresden, HRA 8238
Personally liable shareholder: UKA Verwaltung GmbH, Dr.-Eberle-Platz 1, D-01662 Meißen, entered in the Commercial Register of District Court of Dresden, HRB 30469, and represented by the managing directors Gernot Gauglitz, Dr. Kay Dahlke, Stefan Kath, Ralf Breuer, Wieland Zeller, Guido Hedemann, Guido Hinrichs
VAT identification number in accordance with Paragraph 27a of the German VAT Act (UStG): DE 208129475
Person(s) responsible for content in accordance with Paragraph 18 Section (1) of the German State Media Agreement (Medienstaatsvertrag): UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG | Gernot Gauglitz, Dr. Kay Dahlke, Stefan Kath, Ralf Breuer, Wieland Zeller, Guido Hedemann, Guido Hinrichs (address as above)
Website design & coding
Satztechnik Meißen GmbH
Am Sand 1c
D-01665 Diera-Zehren OT Nieschütz
Telephone: +49 (0)3525 7186-0
Fax: +49 (0)3525 7186-12
Photo credits
Jörg Schubert: Portrait photos (Contact), building photos (Meißen site)
Jan Gutzeit: Portrait photos (Contact)
Ove Arscholl: Portrait photos (Contact)
Richard Westebbe: Portrait photos (Contact, Employee Testimonials)
Photo archive:
Satztechnik Meißen GmbH, UKA Group (Marketing)
Fotolia photo credits:
Fotolia: #54448986 | Copyright: ijdema | Dutch windmill and wind turbines
Fotolia: #68739179 | Copyright: Mapics | Marktkirche und Zentrum von Hannover, Deutschland
Fotolia: #51397975 | Copyright: Mapics | Rathaus Hannover nachts mit Spiegelung im Maschteich
Fotolia: #58666308 | Copyright: sp4764 | Schlossplatz Oldenburg
Fotolia: #80280956 | Copyright: | Oldenburg Rathaus Innenstadt Marktplatz Lamberti Kirche
Fotolia: #69482465 | Copyright: hanphosiri | Cottbus
Fotolia: #44526553 | Copyright: Rico Ködder | Blick über die Warnow auf die Hansestadt Rostock
Fotolia: #52264805 | Copyright: Rico Ködder | Blick auf Rostock
Fotolia: #85139364 | Copyright: TwilightArtPictures | Bielefelder Wahrzeichen
Fotolia: #83580608 | Copyright: ngroshev | Bielefeld - Sparrenburg at night
Fotolia: #91245765 | Copyright: pixelliebe | Erfurt Dom am Abend
Fotolia: #83059717 | Copyright: 60px | Krämerbrücke in Erfurt
Fotolia: #41911349 | Copyright: draghicich | Meissen at night
Fotolia: #5869366 | Copyright: Torsten Lorenz | Blick über den historischen Stadtkern von Grebenstein
Fotolia: #119127383 | Copyright: everigenia | pasture with sheep at sunset, panorama
Fotolia: #164266757 | Copyright: geniusksy |solar panels and wind turbines against mountanis landscape again
shutterstock photo credits:
Stock photo ID: #110886530 | Copyright: T.W. van Urk | Windmill and sheep in the Netherlands
Stock photo ID: #113351083 | Copyright: Krivosheev Vitaly | Wind Turbine Generators
Adobe Stock:
#231907992 | Sina Ettmer | Magdeburger Dom an der Elbe
#57825667 | papics | Magdeburg Dom bei Nacht - Herbst 2013
#187510648 | Sebastian | Experimenta Heilbronn
#296159541 | Lukas Gojda | Beautiful landscape with old compass on traveler's hand. Traveling concept.
# 293620506 | Gajus | Business crisis manager stopping falling dominos from collapsing
UKA Iberia Header image: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
The content and works created by this site’s operators are protected under German copyright law. Third-party contributions are labelled as such. These content and works may not be reproduced, modified, distributed or otherwise used outside the bounds of copyright law without the written consent of the respective author or creator.
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Note on the dispute resolution procedure under the German Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz, VSBG)
Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR Regulation) has been in force since 9 January 2016.This regulation applies in conjunction with the German Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters, which was passed by the German Bundestag in December 2015; however, the regulation applies independently and sets out its own information obligations. The EU Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform:
We are neither obliged nor prepared to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
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Use of the contact details published in this legal notice for the transmission of unsolicited advertising and information materials is expressly prohibited.