Whether farmland, pasture or forest – your property could play an important part in the energy revolution. Leasing areas for wind and solar energy is low-risk and, in principle, possible to do throughout Germany.
More and more landowners are benefiting from the energy revolution. By leasing their farmland and pasture they are creating an additional source of income for themselves and their families, which can be substantial compared to conventional agricultural or forestry use. In forestry in particular, these funds are often needed for necessary restocking or forest conversion.
Capitalising on wind generators requires relatively little space. The surrounding land can continue to be cultivated as farmland or pasture. If the area is not especially windy or the soils are poor, photovoltaic systems can represent a sensible alternative.
“I feel that I am in good hands with UKA, thanks to the superb personal support offered. The project and construction processes were explained to me in detail. If I have any questions there is always someone available to answer them.”
Silvio Schapp
landowner in Göllnitz
The future prospects for renewable energies are positive. Wind and photovoltaic systems form the backbone of the German energy revolution. Even today, they deliver about 70 per cent of the renewable energy – and the trend is on the up. By 2030, the share of renewable energies in the energy mix is set to rise from around 58 percent today to 80 percent. Other wind generator and photovoltaic installation sites are needed to achieve this.
Wind energy project workflow
Would you like to know how to have a wind turbine installed on your land? This is where you can access information about the wind energy project workflow.
To the project workflowDuring the period the wind turbine is in operation you will receive an ongoing usage fee, which is similar to a lease. This will vary according to the wind yield.
Furthermore, you will receive one-off payments for certain negative impacts on your property, such as path construction, cable bushing and construction vehicle parking.
When it comes to wind energy projects the land is usually not sold. Instead, the rights of use required for installing and operating the wind turbines are secured for the long term. The advantage for landowners and farmers: as well as being used to exploit the energy of the wind, the land can continue to be farmed at the same time.