UKA supports the concept of a decentralised energy revolution. The Group assists its partner communities and their residents with the implementation of their solar and wind energy projects.
UKA’s planning offices are therefore located in the same regions as its wind and solar farms. The UKA specialists at each office understand the unique needs of their local areas, meaning they can adapt solutions to the needs and desires of their communities.
UKA as a local partner
- The UKA Group head office
The cathedral city of Meißen in Saxony is home to the Group’s head office, which supports all of UKA’s national and international offices
UKA Umweltgerechte
Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KGDr.-Eberle-Platz 1
01662 MeißenTelephone: +49 3521 72806-0
Fax: +49 3521 72806-410
Project development
- Cottbus
Since 1999, UKA has built nearly 260 wind turbines in Brandenburg with a total capacity of around 700 MW. The company has also had an office in Cottbus since 2011 and develops a number of projects each year from its office on Heinrich-Hertz-Straße. The city on the Spree river offers a number of advantages. In particular, as a historical energy and university town, it provides a steady stream of qualified and motivated specialists to feed UKA’s growth.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung Süd-OstHeinrich-Hertz-Straße 6
D-03044 CottbusTelephone: +49 355 494620-0
Email: sued-ost@uka-gruppe.deManaging director: Guido Hedemann
- Dresden
UKA was founded in Meißen and opened its Dresden office in 2022. Here wind and solar farms are planned.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung MitteldeutschlandGroßenhainer Straße 5
01097 DresdenTelephone: +49 3521 4068-0
Email: mitteldeutschland@uka-gruppe.deManaging director: Wieland Zeller
- Meißen
UKA was founded 1999 in Meißen – and two decades later, wind and solar farms are still planned here.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung MitteldeutschlandDr.-Eberle-Platz 1
01662 MeißenTelephone: +49 3521 4068-0
E-Mail: mitteldeutschland@uka-gruppe.deManaging director: Wieland Zeller
- Rostock
UKA has been present in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since its inception. Its first project in the Ludwigslust-Parchim district was implemented in 2001. Since then, UKA has built nine wind farms with more than 80 wind turbines in this state on the Baltic Sea and opened an office in Rostock in 2011.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung NordLeibnizplatz 1
18055 RostockTelephone: +49 381 252740-0
Email: nord@uka-gruppe.deManaging director: Ralf Breuer
- Erfurt
UKA opened its office in Thuringia’s regional capital in 2015. The Erfurt office is located just a short way away from our project sites in central Germany. A number of approval-ready projects are being planned here.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung ErfurtMaximilian-Welsch-Straße 2a
99084 ErfurtTelephone: +49 361 216559-20
Email: erfurt@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Sven Lieback
- Bielefeld
UKA opened its Bielefeld office in 2016. This office is just a short way away from our project sites in North Rhine-Westphalia and northern Hesse. Several wind farm projects are currently being planned here.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Niederlassung WestHermannstraße 1
33602 BielefeldTelephone: +49 521 556112-500
Email: west@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Paul Hoffmann
- Heilbronn
UKA opened its Heilbronn office in 2021. From here our employees promote and develop renewable energy projects across South Germany.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung HeilbronnFerdinand-Braun-Straße 26
74074 HeilbronnTelephone: +49 7131 39 55 03-0
Email: heilbronn@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Micha Pessenlehner
- Straubing
UKA opened its Straubing office in 2021. From here our employees promote and develop renewable energy projects across South Germany.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung StraubingRegensburger Straße 14
94315 StraubingTelephone: +49 9421 56867-100
Email: - Hannover
UKA opened its Hannover office in 2016. This office is just a short way away from our project sites in central and southern Lower Saxony. The office also manages projects in Schleswig-Holstein.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung HannoverLeisewitzstraße 39 a
30175 HannoverTelephone: +49 511 6421395-0
Email: hannover@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Albert Regenbrecht
- Kassel
In the summer of 2022, UKA opened its office in Kassel to develop wind and solar parks in the region.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Büro KasselFriedrich-Ebert-Straße 43
34117 KasselTelefon: 0521 556112-500
E-Mail: kassel~.~uka-gruppe.SPAMPROTECTION.deSite manager: Paul Hoffmann
- Oldenburg
UKA opened its Oldenburg office in 2016. This office is just a short way away from our project sites in the north-west of the country.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Büro OldenburgKasinoplatz 3
26122 OldenburgTelephone: +49 441 950637-0
Email: oldenburg@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Albert Regenbrecht
- Magdeburg
UKA opened its Magdeburg office in 2020. It's just a short way away from our project sites in Saxony-Anhalt.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung Magdeburg
Halberstädter Straße 17
39112 MagdeburgTelephone: +49391 6108999-0
Email: magdeburg@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Alexander Gerlach
- Mainz
UKA opened its Mainz office in 2022. From here it is a short distance to our project sites in Rhineland-Palatinate and South Hesse.
UKA Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen GmbH & Co. KG
Regionalniederlassung MainzInge-Reitz-Straße 7
55120 MainzTelephone: +49 6131 144814-0
Email: mainz@uka-gruppe.deSite manager: Paul Hoffmann
- Lübeck
- Lohmen
UKA Projektträger GmbH & Co. KG supports wind farm projects up to and including legally-compliant implementation, from road and foundation construction, through connection to the grid, turn-key construction services and commissioning, to compliance with all official requirements and approval processes in accordance with the German Federal Imission Control Act.
- Employees: ca. 25
- Founded: June 2012
UKA Projektträger
GmbH & Co. KGDorfstraße 20 a
D-18276 LohmenTelephone: +49 38458 5081-0
Email: info~.~uka-lohmen.SPAMPROTECTION.deManaging director: Michael Böhm
Operations management
- Meißen
Our sister company UKB handles commercial and technical operations management for wind farm operators. Its offices are located in Meißen’s historical old town beneath the castle.
- Employees: approx. 35
- August 2000
UKB Umweltgerechte
Betriebsführung GmbHElbstraße 4
D-01662 MeißenTelephone: +49 3521 47677-0
Email: info~.~ukb-meissen.SPAMPROTECTION.deWebsite:
Managing director: Thorsten Wiegers