Association activities
UKA has been involved in a number of industry associations for many years in Germany, Europe and the US:
- Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW)
- WindEurope, formerly the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
- American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
- Bundesverband WindEnergie e. V.
- GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.
- Förderverein Klimaschutz Sachsen e. V.
- WindEnergy Network e. V. (WEN)
- BVMW – Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V.
- Landesverband Erneuerbare Energie Sachsen-Anhalt e. V. (LEE)
- Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (German Solar Association)
- AGDW - Die Waldeigentümer
- ThEEN - Thüringer Erneuerbare Energien Netzwerk e. V.
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
UKA has been a member of the American Wind Energy Association since 2017.
AWEA is a national industry association for wind energy based in the US capital of Washington, D.C. It was founded in 1974. AWEA represents wind project developers, wind turbine manufacturers, service providers, research institutes and other industry stakeholders.
Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW)
UKA has been a member of Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW) since 2018.
As an umbrella organisation for the German energy and water management sectors, BDEW represents over 1,800 companies. Its members range from local and municipal businesses to regional and supra-regional companies. It represents around 90% of electricity sales, 60% of local and remote heating sales, 90% of natural gas sales, 80% of drinking water supplies and 60% of sewage disposal in Germany. BDEW was formed with the merger of four energy sector associations following a resolution passed on 19 June 2007 in Berlin:
- Federal Association of the German Gas and Water Industry (Bundesverband der deutschen Gas- und Wasserwirtschaft, BGW)
- Association of Multi-Utilities and Regional Energy Suppliers in Germany (Verband der Verbundunternehmen und Regionalen Energieversorger in Deutschland, VRE)
- German Distributors’ Association (Verband der Netzbetreiber, VDN) German Electricity Association (Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft, VDEW)
BVMW – Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V.
UKA has been a member of Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands e.V. since 2015.
BVMW represents the interests of 550,000 small and medium-sized businesses, making it the largest voluntary corporate network in Germany. BVMW is politically neutral and offers supra-regional, cross-sector representation of the interests of SMEs vis-à-vis politicians, trade unions, banks and corporations. The association also adopts an important regional role in facilitating the exchange of information between commercial, academic and political stakeholders, initiates economic cycles, and ensures a targeted flow of information through organised events and personal meetings, all of which helps its members to develop their activities.
WindEurope, formerly the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
UKA has been a member of WindEurope, formerly the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), since 2018.
The association represents the interests of the wind energy sector in Europe, equating to over 250,000 employees and an 11% share of European wind energy. UKA takes part in various working groups within the association.
Bundesverband WindEnergie e. V. (BWE)
UKA has been part of the national WindEnergie e. V. (BWE) association since 2000.
BWE was founded in 1996. BWE’s objective is to develop wind energy in Germany, efficiently and for the long term, and to make the vision of “100% energy from renewable energy sources” a reality in Germany. Made up of around 20,000 members, it is one of the largest renewable energy associations in the world.
The UKA Group is regularly represented on BWE working groups, including in the following areas: conservation, radar and aviation, and labelling. Furthermore, employees participate in several BWE regional and Länder-based associations.
UKA is also a member of the BWE planning and communications advisory councils.
The BWE advisory councils offer important platforms for exchanging information between the BWE’s members. The committees advise BWE’s federal board on important decision-making processes regarding its positioning vis-à-vis political decision-makers in matters of licensing and feed-in laws.
GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.
UKA has been a member of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V. since 2013.
GPM is the largest skills network of project management experts in the continent of Europe. GPM sets standards through collaboration on international norms in project management and through its technical work in specialist groups. As a developer of renewable energy projects, especially wind energy projects, UKA contributes to GPM’s wealth of knowledge, bringing its experience in projects that run over many years.
Förderverein Klimaschutz Sachsen e. V.
UKA has been a member of Klimaschutz Sachsen e. V. since 2012.
The association is an initiative run by Saxony’s Mittelstand companies. The members’ concerns include promoting renewable energies, renewable raw materials, enhanced education around climate protection and the environment, as well as supporting sustainable climate protection projects.
WindEnergy Network e. V.
Since 2012, UKA has been a member of the WindEnergy Network e. V.
The WindEnergy Network e.V. (WEN) is the leading company network for wind energy in the north-east region with over 90 member companies. The network, which has existed since 2002, sees itself as a platform for the entire value chain in the industry. With access to the Baltic Sea region, the active networking of companies, the exchange of information and trends, the representation of interests at state and federal level for the further development of the framework conditions as well as the presentation at trade fairs and events are the focus of the association's activities. The aim is to expand the industrial base and regional added value in the future-oriented renewable energy sector. The main topics are wind energy on land and at sea, maritime technologies in connection with offshore wind and the development of green hydrogen.
Landesverband Erneuerbare Energie Sachsen-Anhalt e. V. (LEE)
![[Translate to EN:] LEE Sachsen-Anhalt [Translate to EN:] LEE Sachsen-Anhalt](
UKA has been a member of Landesverband Erneuerbare Energie Sachsen-Anhalt e. V. (LEE) since 2014.
LEE Sachsen-Anhalt was founded in 2006 and is the umbrella association within the renewable energy sector in Saxony-Anhalt. The association represents the interests of wind and solar energy, along with bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, cogeneration and energy efficiency.
UKA’s involvement in LEE Sachsen-Anhalt includes pan-association communications and joint campaigns. In addition, the UKA Group supports regular exchange between stakeholders on specialist issues such as repowering and species protection guidelines.
Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (BSW-Solar)
UKA has been part of the Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. association (German Solar Association) since 2018.
With about 800 member companies, Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (German Solar Association) is the interest group of the German solar energy industry. Forming a strong community of companies, BSW-Solar acts as an informant and intermediary between business and the political and public sectors. It represents the common commercial interests of businesses within the solar energy value chain.
AGDW - Die Waldeigentümer
UKA has been a member of the German Forest Owners Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Waldbesitzerverbände e.V.) since 2019.
The "AGDW - Die Waldeigentümer (German Forest Owners Association)" represents the interests of private and municipal forest owners to the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament), the Bundesrat (Federal Council), ministries, industries, academic institutions and the committees of other associations. The association is active in numerous institutions and represents the interests of the two million private and municipal forest owners from Germany and it represents these interests not only on a national level but also increasingly on the European and international levels. As a member of the European Forest Owners' Association (CEPF), AGDW is also involved in shaping both European and international forest policy.
Forest owners in Germany are committed to sustainable forestry, which has 300 years of history and dates back to the Saxon mining administrator Carl von Carlowitz. He coined the term sustainability in his book - Sylvicultura oeconomica - 300 years ago.
ThEEN - Thüringer Erneuerbare Energien Netzwerk e.V.
UKA has been a member of the Thuringian Renewable Energies Network (ThEEN e.V.) since 2015.
The Thuringian Renewable Energies Network (ThEEN e.V.) is an expert network for renewable energy, energy storage, energy efficiency and sector coupling, based in Erfurt. The network has over 70 members from economic, scientific and public institutions and represents more than 300 companies through its member associations: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Thüringer Wasserkraftwerke e.V. (Working Group Thuringian Hydroelectric Facilities), Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. - Landesverband Thüringen (German Wind Energy Association - Thuringian State Association), Erdwärme Thüringen e.V. (Thuringian Geothermal Energy Association), Fachverband Biogas - Regionalbüro Ost (German Biogas Association - Eastern Regional Office) and SolarInput e.V.